While bees serve a critical role in our ecosystem, they are not often welcomed in our living areas due to their painful stings. For this reason, it is important to contact a pest control expert right away if you notice a beehive or bee infestation anywhere near your home or business. At Desert Pest Specialists, our goal is to inspect and determine if a bee treatment is needed. We will treat bees in your living space in the safest and most effective way possible so you can return to comfortable living once again.

Have you noticed bees in your home or business? Call our Coachella Valley bees pest control experts at Desert Pest Specialists for a FREE estimate.  

Call Our Coachella Valley Bee Experts Today

Bee Pest Control in the Coachella Valley

Bee Control in the Coachella Valley

How to Get Rid of Bees in a Structure

Because native honey bee populations are rapidly declining, killing the colony should be avoided, if possible. There are two control options. The colony can either be removed or killed. If the decision is to have the hive removed it is best to work with an experienced beekeeper who can help remove the hive. If the option is killing them, a residual insecticide dust or spray around the opening of the hive will kill them. Once the colony has been killed, the structure should be opened to remove the hive. Removing the hive after treatment helps avoid larvae still developing and to prevent the possibility of a secondary pest problem.

How are Bees Beneficial to our Planet?

Bees are highly efficient pollinators. Worker bees collect nectar and pollen from plants, inadvertently pollinating flowers and allowing plants to produce fruit. They also produce honey and fashion honeycomb from wax that they secrete. Honey bees pollinate 15 billion dollars worth of crops each year including 150 different fruits and vegetables. Bees also pollinate plants consumed by other animals such as berries, seeds, fruits and alfalfa plants that cows primarily  feed on. bees play a vital role in the whole food chain.

The In’s and Out’s of Bees

Bees are found throughout the world except in Antarctica. There are many species of bees. Their size depends on the species of bee, ranging from 2mm to 4cm. They can be black, brown, gray, bright yellow, red, green and blue. All bees have a flat body with six legs. Bees are a flower-feeding insect that are very beneficial to our ecosystem. 

There are three types of bees in a colony:

  1. The queen bee

  2. The infertile worker bee (female)

  3. The drones (male)

Only the queen bee can reproduce. The queen bee's job is to lay eggs for her whole life until she dies. The only job the male bee has is to mate with the queen and die shortly after having fulfilled its duty. The female worker bees have many jobs such as cleaning the hive, collecting nectar and pollen for the colony and taking care of the offspring.

Coachella valley bee pest control

Our Coachella Valley Bee Pest Control Specialists are Here to Help

Have you noticed an increased number of bees flying around your property? If so, don't wait any longer to call Desert Pest Specialists. We can help you make the right decision to control your bee problem. Bees are very beneficial to our environment, so call the bee experts today and speak with a licensed inspector to determine if a bee service is necessary.  

Get a FREE estimate today when you get in touch with the Coachella Valley bee experts at Desert Pest Specialists!